API Overview

This section discusses the basic concepts of the Java WebSocket API and will help you gain a decent understanding of its building blocks. Luckily, the API itself is pretty compact which made it easy to ensure that this chapter touches upon all it's components. (most of) The items presented in this chapter have been covered via dedicated chapters throughout this book.

Server and client mode

To start with, let's understand what does server and client mean in the context of WebSocket in general

WebSocket Server endpoint

A server side component which

  • implements some business logic

  • publishes itself i.e. makes itself discoverable to potential clients (over a certain host and port combination)

  • gets triggered when clients connect to it

WebSocket Client endpoint

  • implements some business logic (just like it's server side counterpart)

  • it connects to existing WebSocket (server) endpoints

The Java WebSocket API provides both server and client side components

Client API components are as follows - ClientEndpoint, ClientEndpointConfig, ClientEndpointConfig.Builder, ClientEndpointConfig.Configurator, WebSocketContainer (helps connect to existing WebSocket server endpoints)

Client side API has been covered in a separate chapter

Supported message formats

The WebSocket specification supports two on-wire data formats - text and binary. The Java WebSocket API supports these (obviously) and adds capability to work with Java objects as well as health check messages (ping-pong) defined by the specification

Deep dive of sending and recieving different types of messages will covered in subsequent chapters

Container Abstraction

The following APIs provide a high level abstraction of the WebSocket container (runtime)

WebSocketContainer container = ContainerProvider.getWebSocketContainer();
container.setDefaultMaxSessionIdleTimeout(60000); //1 min. idle session timeout
container.connectToServer(ChatClient.class, URI.create("ws://letschat:8080")); //connecting to a websocket server

//fetching the ServerContainer instance (from within a Server endpoint)
ServerContainer container = (ServerContainer) session.getContainer();


WebSocket is a protocol using which two peers (client and server) communicate with each other. The javax.websocket.RemoteEndpoint interface is an abstraction which represents the peer at the other end

It is available is two avatars

//Getting a handle to the remote endpoint

RemoteEndpoint.Basic basicPeerConnection = session.getBasicRemote();
RemoteEndpoint.Async asyncPeerConnection = session.getAsyncRemote();


A javax.websocket.Endpoint is a class which represents the WebSocket endpoint itself – either a server or a client. The Java WebSocket API provides both annotation and programmatic APIs (both will been explored in detail later) to develop endpoints. This class is designed for extension (since it is abstract) and is fit for scenarios where a programmatic style is preferred over annotation driven (declarative) implementation

//a bare bone implementation of a programmatic endpoint

public class ProgrammaticEndpointExample extends Endpoint {
  private Session session;
  public void onOpen(Session session, EndpointConfig config) {
    this.session = session;
    try {
      //sends back the session ID to the peer
      this.session.getBasicRemote().sendText("Session ID: " +   this.session.getId());
    catch (IOException ex) {
        throw new RuntimeException(ex);

It is important to understand that Endpoint and RemoteEndpoint represent different concepts altogether

In the above diagram

  • WSE is both a RemoteEndpoint (from the perspective of it's connected peers) as well as an Endpoint (assuming its implemented by extending the javax.websocket.Endpoint class)

  • Each of the peers (Peer 1,2,3,4… n) are RemoteEndpoint(s) from the perspective of the WSE (the websocket server with which they are interacting)


The concept of a WebSocket session (represented by javax.websocket.Session) is not very different than that of a HTTP Session: it encapsulates the interaction between two endpoints (peers). The conversation between two endpoints consists of events like – connection initialization, message exchange, connection termination, error transmission etc.

  • Each connection b/w a peer and the WebSocket server endpoint is represented by a unique Session object (refer previous diagram)

  • Allows communication b/w a server-client pair by exposing a javax.websocket.RemoteEndpoint object (discussed later)

//some of the common methods in the Session interface

Set<Session> openSessions = session.getOpenSessions();
boolean isOpen = session.isOpen();
Map<String, String> pathParameters = session.getPathParameters();
Map<String, Object> userProperties = session.getUserProperties();
Principal userPrincipal = session.getUserPrincipal();

Declarative & Programmatic models

The annotations in the API offer a declarative model for building WebSocket based applications whereas the programmatic style lean towards a more classical way of development model i.e. using inheritance.

Encoders & Decoders

Think of them as hooks provided by the WebSocket API, which allow you to plugin your custom implementation that takes care of converting your Java objects (part of your logic, domain model etc.) to/from the on-wire representations supported by the WebSocket protocol i.e. text and binary


In the context of the Java WebSocket API, configuration is nothing but the attributes/properties (deployed path, encoders, decoders, extensions, subprotocols) related to an endpoint (server or client) and is represented by the javax.websocket.EndpointConfig interface. It is further extended by javax.websocket.server.ServerEndpointConfig and javax.websocket.ClientEndpointConfig which are the server and client counterparts respectively

Asynchronous constructs

Sending messages to peers need not always be a blocking call. One can choose to embrace the asynchronous style (as mentioned in the RemoteEndpoint section)

The SendHandler, SendResult interfaces (in the javax.websocket package) enable asynchronous messaging in WebSocket endpoints

WebSocket Extension


All the exceptions defined by this API are

  • checked

  • part of the javax.websocket package


Path parameters

In case of an annotated server endpoint (details in the next chapter), javax.webocket.PathParam helps inject the path parameters (from the URI specified in the @ServerEndpoint annotation) into annotated websocket lifecycle methods

//Using @PathParam

@ServerEndpoint(value = "/letschat/{login-id}")
   public class WebChatEndpoint {
   public void connected(Session session, @PathParam("login-id") String   loggedInUser){
   //save the logged in user id
   session.getUserProperties().put("USERNAME", loggedInUser);

WebSocket connection handshake

Instances of HandshakeRequest and HandshakeResponse (from the javax.websocket pacakge), allow access to the state of communication during establishment (handshake) of the WebSocket connection

Communicating connection termination details

javax.websocket.CloseReason captures the details (reason) for the termination of a WebSocket connection. javax.websocket.CloseReason.CloseCode is a marker interface for different reason codes and javax.websocket.CloseReason.CloseCodes (please note the 's' at the end) contains an enumeration of ready-to-use codes (outlined in the following section of the WebSocket RFC specification) - give link

//Why did the connection close?

public void disconnected(Session session, CloseReason reason){
  String peer = (String) session.getUserProperties().get("USERNAME");
  CloseReason.CloseCode closeReasonCode = reason.getCloseCode();
  String closeReasonMsg = reason.getReasonPhrase();
  System.out.println("User "+ peer + " disconnected. Code: "+ closeReasonCode + ", Message: "+ closeReasonMsg);

Coming up...

The next chapter will guide you through the Programming Models can be adopted while using the Java WebSocket API

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